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A balanced nutrition is vital at any age to enjoy a full, satisfying, and healthy life.


Emotional Health

Let's begin tasting, one by one, the ingredients in our food with our mind and heart.



Set a goal to move around as much as possible to maximize the effect of your Yes You Can! products.



Set your vision on what you want to accomplish.
Remember: Action + Intention = Transformation.

Erika Puello  Sucess Story

*Consumers who correctly follow the Yes You Can! Program of proper diet and exercise and two Complete Meal Replacement shakes per day can expect to lose approximately 3 pounds per month. However, results may vary depending on a variety of individual factors.

My problems began when I arrived to the United States from Colombia. I started to try all different types of foods. I went crazy trying all sorts of foods that I had never had before. Fast food was my weakness; it was easy, cheap and tasty. I started to gain weight but I never really noticed it. I had my first child during this time and my weight reached 220 pounds. I was aware that I was at an unhealthy weight but I kept eating, even though I always felt guilty afterwards.


Everything started to change when my weight started to affect my mood, my self-esteem and my desire to live. I never left my house so I had hardly any friends and every day was more frustrating because nothing I wanted to wear would fit me. I would turn to food for comfort and I got stuck in a vicious cycle. The anxiety I felt was stronger than my desire to look good. I started to feel a lot of pain in my whole body and ended up in the emergency room. My health was clearly threatened, but I still didn't take any action. In January of the following year, after my daughter's birthday, we had been drinking and at about 2 in the morning my friend walked in the kitchen and found me eating a whole pot of sancocho, so he walked up and asked me: Erika why are you so out of control?  I didn't I didn't give him an answer, I just put my head down and kept eating. My world had come tumbling down; I knew I had to do something to lose weight! I thought about having surgery but then I thought of all the people who lost weight through surgery and then gained it back. I didn't have the money to keep having surgery every time I wanted to lose weight. This was when I decided to make a change and discipline my mouth as well as myself!


I had been following Alejandro on Instagram, but I never took action to make a change. Finally I decided to start the Yes You Can! Diet Plan. I realized very quickly that I was able to follow my diet anywhere I went and that there was nothing and no one that could stop me from reaching my goals. And this is how I lost 50 lbs. in just a few months. I still can't believe how different I see myself when I look at the mirror. And it's not only looking different, but feeling a lot healthier. I'm a totally different person emotionally and I got my energy back. I want to thank Alejandro Chaban for all his support and for creating this wonderful and effective diet for all of us.

Erika Puello Sucess Story used our transformation kit


Learn more about our Transformation Kit, clinically proven to help you lose weight.

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