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How to Reach Your Ideal Weight Before Summer with Alejandro Chaban’s Diet

How to Reach Your Ideal Weight Before Summer with Alejandro Chaban’s Diet

Alejandro Chabán’s diet is the solution to a healthier lifestyle and quickly achieving your ideal weight!

Do you want to improve your health and change your physical appearance before summer? With this guide, you can achieve your healthy weight goal. Find out what Alejandro Chaban’s diet consists of, and start today.

Improve your Diet

A healthy diet is the basis for reaching and maintaining your ideal weight since the amount and type of food we consume bears most of the responsibility for being overweight. To achieve this, we recommend the following:

Include All Food Groups

Vegetables, healthy fats, proteins, and carbohydrates should be present in every meal. This way, you will get the nutrients you need to keep your body healthy, and with proper consistency, you will reduce your weight.

Portion your Food

Although including various food groups is essential, the recipe for maintaining a healthy weight is in the portions. For example, the plate method recommends half vegetables, a quarter of lean proteins, and the remainder of carbohydrates.

Find a Balance

Trying to completely eliminate desserts and other foods that are not considered healthy will cause binge-eating. The important thing is to find the balance to have a balanced diet without food restrictions.

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity helps you maintain a healthy weight and optimal health. Including cardiovascular exercise and strength training in your routine is the key to losing weight and increasing muscle mass.

The United States Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise weekly to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, this depends on your personal goals and the amount of excess weight you have. If you want to lose weight quickly, we recommend you consult an instructor to design an exercise routine appropriate to your needs and physical condition.

Drink Enough Water

Water is part of a healthy diet since this liquid is necessary to fulfill vital body functions, such as oxygenation, nutrient transport, hydration, and digestion. Speaking specifically of digestion, drinking water will help you speed up your metabolism and regulate your bowel movements, thereby relieving the symptoms of constipation and losing weight caused by inflammation.

In addition, drinking water before each meal also provides satiety, so the portions you consume will be reduced compared to when you eat without water. This small action can make a long-term difference in your body weight.

Sleep at Least 8 Hours a Day

The relationship between hours of sleep and obesity has been widely studied, concluding that obesity and reduced sleep are directly linked. So, sleeping between 8 and 8 and a half hours positively affects weight loss, but how can I achieve it?

Restful sleep will give you more energy and reduce stress, so we recommend staying away from screens for at least an hour before going to bed to increase the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. You should also be able to rest at night at the appropriate time to get enough sleep before your usual time to get up.

In the meantime, you can read a book, listen to music, or go for a walk to avoid exposure to light from screens.

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Cortisol, known as the stress hormone, is released in more significant quantities when you experience periods of anxiety. This causes your appetite to increase and, therefore, the amount of food you consume. This increases your body weight and limits your ability to lose weight since dieting while you are under high stress levels can lead to binge-eating.

For this reason, taking care of your mental health and reducing stress and anxiety triggers can have a positive effect on your daily life, such as losing weight.

Take Natural Food Supplements

Food supplements made with organic ingredients are an excellent way to support your new habits and achieve a healthy weight in just a few months. These supplements are designed to fulfill a specific function, such as burning body fat, improving digestion, or eliminating toxins.

They also use extracts of natural active ingredients so that, compared to home remedies, you can notice results in a short time. Some of the most common ingredients are lemon, cinnamon, ginger, caffeine, carnitine, green tea, African mango, and probiotics.

Start with the Yes You Can! Program

Alejandro Chaban’s diet is the most complete way to improve your eating habits and achieve a healthy weight before summer since it encompasses all the previous points in its system. Unlike other diets, Yes You Can! has dietary supplements to help you transition to a new healthy lifestyle.

With the Yes You Can! diet, you can enjoy five meals a day: two meal replacements that contain all the essential nutrients, two protein snacks between meals to avoid binge-eating, and a balanced meal that includes the main food groups: proteins, vegetables, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.

In addition, this regimen is complemented by a detoxification phase, where you will focus on eliminating toxins from your body, and a maintenance phase, which seeks to avoid the rebound effect and increase your muscle mass by exercising.

Start Alejandro Chaban’s Diet and Get Results in a Short Time

Now that you know the benefits of Alejandro Chaban’s diet, it’s time to start reading more about the transformation phase! You can buy all your products in our online store and check out the promotions and discounts.

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