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Lupita Jaramillo

Lupita Jaramillo

She rewarded her broken heart with food

My name is Lupita Jaramillo, I'm Mexican, and I live in North Carolina. The more tired or sad I felt, the more I needed something greasy or sweet to eat, something that would recompense my tired body and sad heart. However, I was far from feeling better. I felt stomach pain and I was getting so fat that I felt and looked worse every day. I couldn’t even fit in extra-large clothes anymore! I would hide away from people because who would want to be friends with the "whale" as they called me. And I couldn’t play with my children anymore because I would feel out of breath. I was living a nightmare, stuck in a hole and I didn’t know how to get out. Until I found Yes You Can!, which brought my hopes back because now I know what to eat to feel and look great. I’ve left behind all the fried food that made me feel sick and as of today, I’ve lost 43 pounds and I feel alive and happier than ever.

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