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Diana Uruena

Diana Uruena

My name is Diana Uruena. I am 32 years old, and I'm from Colombia. I am married and have two children. After giving birth, I gained weight instead of regaining my figure. Overweight and over 200
pounds, I tried various methods, but nothing worked. I was desperate to lose weight. I found the "pellet" diet , a treatment that I had heard of and had been warned not do by myself because it could damage my body. I was going to
appointments with a specialist every week, and they asked me to stop eating carbohydrates. But despite all the restrictions, I remained a size XL. Rare treatments didn't work. I was still fat, which stressed me out and made me
feel awful. I had a reunion with my friends from school and wherever I looked, face, stomach, arms... I was chubby. I was very big and felt ugly. Watching &aposDespierta America&apos, I identified myself with a Success Story that
Alejandro Chaban presented, and I realized that Yes You Can! was exactly what I needed, a diet plan based on healthy eating, supplements, movement, and emotional health. I started my transformation and lost 10 pounds in the first
month! I stayed focused with my Transform Kit Food Lover , eager to see better results. Now I'm a part of the weight loss Success Stories.
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