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Adriana Merida

Adriana Merida

Took care of his sick grandfather and did not eat well

My name is erida I am Mexican American and I live in Los Angeles, California. I have four children and my family is priority. I was always chubby because I enjoyed foods from both Mexican and American cultures. The moment when I lost control of my eating was when my grandfather got sick. He was hospitalized for a year and I dedicated myself to taking care of him. I went hours without eating, exhausted and only picking at food. I was so worried and I started overeating. When I got home all I wanted to eat was my favorite food, popcorn and lots of it! That was my comfort food, I was weighing 165 pounds and was a size extra large. I lived to take care of everyone else and forgot about myself . When my husband showed me a picture and saw how fat I looked, I knew it was time for a change. I tried many diets, but nothing worked. I saw a friend that had lost weight and that is when I decided to try Yes You Can! I have lost 35 pounds! Thank you for the motivation from my hero Alejandro Chaban and the best suplements from Yes You Can. I now feel happy, healthy, and confident. I learned how to love myself first in order to love everyone else. Yes You Can!
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