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Losing Weight with Hypothyroidism: Tips and Yes You Can! Products You Can Take

Losing Weight with Hypothyroidism: Tips and Yes You Can! Products You Can Take

Don’t suffer any more for not being able to lose body weight because of your thyroid problems. Learn the best tips for losing weight with hypothyroidism here.

If you have thyroid problems, but want to start losing weight, we give you some tips for losing weight with hypothyroidism and a list of the best nutritional supplements from Yes You Can! that will help you achieve it. Reaching your ideal weight and figure is possible. Find out how!

How Does the Thyroid Work?

There is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck. It is called the thyroid gland, and its primary function is to produce the hormones the body needs to regulate energy levels. Therefore, its correct functioning is essential to keeping our health in optimal condition.

This gland produces triiodothyronine and thyroxine hormones (T3 and T4, respectively), which regulate fat and carbohydrate absorption, heart rate, body temperature and protein production. Occasionally, this gland suffers from malfunction, which can cause many symptoms and conditions. This malfunction may be due to several reasons, including the following diseases:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism


According to the Mayo Clinic, hypothyroidism is a condition in which there is an underactive thyroid. The thyroid does not produce the necessary amount of hormones, being unable to keep right thyroid levels. Although in its early stages, it does not cause symptoms, in the long term, thyroid patients can experience fatigue, dry skin, muscle weakness, weight gain, irregular menstrual periods, bloating, constipation, and increased sensitivity to colds.


Conversely, hyperthyroidism is characterized by the production of excessive amounts of thyroid hormones, which causes fatigue, irritability, weight loss, goiter, sensitivity to heat and light, muscle weakness, irregular heart rhythm, and sleep problems.

Does Hypothyroidism Cause Weight Gain?

As we mentioned, one of the long-term symptoms of hypothyroidism is weight gain, as it affects the way the body uses fats and carbohydrates. According to the American Thyroid Association, extra weight is usually due to salt and water retention. This increase can vary from person to person, but generally, the range is between 5 and 10 pounds.

However, the process of losing weight with hypothyroidism is not impossible if you undergo the proper treatment. For this, it is essential to receive an evaluation from a health professional to be given a treatment plan according to your situation. Over time, you will achieve a healthy thyroid function, and you will be able to notice that the weight gain in hypothyroidism is also being lost.

Tips for Losing Weight with Hypothyroidism

In addition to medical treatment, there are some ways to start losing weight with hypothyroidism that are not difficult to do, so you can maintain them in the long term and see the desired results. These changes, in addition to reducing your size, will also help you improve your quality of life.

Eat Foods Rich in Iodine and Selenium

These minerals are essential for optimal thyroid function, so including foods such as fish, seaweed, milk, cheese, and eggs will help regulate hormone production. The best part is that these foods can be incorporated into any meal, such as breakfast or dinner.

Increase your Fiber Intake

Eating foods with a high percentage of fiber will help you avoid spikes in blood sugar, improve symptoms of constipation caused by hypothyroidism, and keep you feeling full for longer, reducing your food intake throughout the day. Some examples of natural sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Eliminate Processed Foods

One tip that will always be good, regardless of the conditions you suffer from or your healthy living goals, is eliminating ultra-processed foods from your diet. Eating processed foods regularly makes it easier to gain weight due to their high fat, salt, and sugar content, so we recommend avoiding them to prevent them from interfering with your path to a healthy weight.

Eat Quality Proteins

Protein is part of a balanced diet, providing greater satiety and avoiding binge eating when a restrictive diet is followed. In addition, in the case of people with hypothyroidism, consuming lean proteins can strengthen the muscles and facilitate the intake of iodine and selenium when choosing to eat fish more frequently.

What Yes You Can! Products Can You Take if You Have Hypothyroidism?

Yes You Can!’s wide range of healthy supplements offers you another way to help with weight management, even if you suffer from hypothyroidism. Here are some products that can be your best helpers in this process.


Iodine and selenium are natural minerals essential for thyroid function, especially if you have an underactive thyroid gland, so their constant consumption will help keep it in optimal condition and reduce the symptoms caused by hypothyroidism. Yes You Can! Multi-Vitamin includes both minerals in its composition and other vitamins that will help you cover any nutritional deficiencies.

Whey Protein

Yes You Can! Whey Protein is ideal for complementing your new diet without giving up snacks between meals. It is low in calories and provides 15 grams of protein per serving, facilitating weight loss and muscle mass gain, even if you have thyroid issues. You can consume it in any of its delicious flavors, and even incorporate it into your healthy drink and dessert recipes.

Fat Burner

Fat Burner is made from thermogenic ingredients such as apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and L-carnitine. When taken in the morning or before exercising, it helps raise your body temperature, similar to when you perform intense physical activity. This causes stored fat to burn even when you are resting.

This is especially helpful for people with thyroid condition who want to achieve a healthy weight and, due to associated symptoms such as excessive fatigue, find it harder to exercise regularly. Fat Burner also has a night version, with which you can continue to burn fat even while you sleep.

Meal Replacement

Besides having a delicious flavor, these shakes are formulated to cover all the nutritional requirements in a complete meal but with fewer calories. By taking two meal replacement shakes and replacing two of your three main meals, you can lose excess weight in just a few months.

Try Other Ways to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism!

Yes You Can! dietary supplements are safe for people with thyroid disorders and seeking a healthy weight. Thanks to its natural ingredients, the side effects are non-existent compared to some prescription medications for losing weight. Do you want to know how to transform your body while coping with this medical condition? Continue exploring our blog, visit our online store, or call us at 1-888-988-5515.

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