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High-Protein Foods for Elderly: Diet for Men and Women Over 40

High-Protein Foods for Elderly: Diet for Men and Women Over 40

Learn the best protein powder for women and men over 40 and complement your diet!

We have heard that protein consumption is essential for a healthy diet, as it is one of the main groups in any dietary model. However, as the years go by, the body’s needs change and the nutritional requirements of adolescents are no longer the same as those of adulthood.

Next, we will discuss the best high-protein foods for the elderly, why increasing protein intake in adulthood is important, and which protein powder is the best supplement for your diet.

Why Is it Important to Increase Protein Intake After Age 40?

According to MedlinePlus, proteins are molecules made up of thousands of amino acids and are essential for cellular functioning, as they can act as antibodies, transmit signals between organs and other cells, transport nutrients, and be in charge of the functioning of organs and tissues.

They can be obtained through food, mainly from animal sources such as chicken, pork, fish, and beef, as well as dairy products, eggs, and insects. However, they can also be found in grains and legumes, making them a suitable plant-based option for vegetarian diets.

As an essential part of maintaining and regenerating muscle tissue, a balanced diet will always contain an adequate portion of protein, which should be modified according to specific needs such as age, sex, and lifestyle. Speaking specifically about people over 40, they should increase their daily protein intake since it has been proven that from this age onwards, 10% of muscle mass begins to be lost in each decade.

To prevent a lack of protein from interfering with essential body processes, it is necessary to consume high-protein foods for elderly, respecting the recommended amounts.

High-Protein Foods for Elderly

As we mentioned, daily requirements vary, so from age 40 onwards, it is recommended that women and men consume 0.8 grams of protein per day per kilo of weight. For example, a 63-kilogram woman will need to cover a ration of 50 grams of protein per day, while a 79-kilogram man will need to consume 63 grams per day. You can distribute this portion between different meals of the day.

However, you might think that 100 grams of chicken contains 100 grams of protein, but this is not the case. Each protein source has a different content, so you may need to adjust your daily meals to reach the recommended intake.

The following table shows the content of high-protein foods for elderly people that you can include in your diet.


Grams of protein per 100 grams of food

Whey protein

80 g

Canned tuna

32 g


21 g

Chicken breast

31 g


17 g

Soy milk

10 g


17 g

Whole milk

12 g


21 g

Beef fillet

29 g


26 g

Pork loin

30 g

Goat cheese

5 g

Best Protein Powder for Women and Men Over 40

Although your body can get the protein it needs just by eating a balanced diet, increasing protein in meals can pose some difficulties for people over 40 due to personal preferences. Perhaps, you might feel that protein overshadows the plate and you are not consuming enough foods from the other groups.

For this reason, protein powder is an excellent option for ensuring you consume enough protein without putting all the responsibility on your three main meals. Whey Protein is the best protein powder for men over 40, as it helps them manage the loss of muscle mass that comes with age.

In addition, being a dairy product, it is also the best protein powder for women over 40 as it is rich in calcium and vitamin D, essential for maintaining bone health in women facing menopause.

On the other hand, if you are having trouble achieving a healthy weight, Whey Protein is also an excellent ally to help you reach your goal. You can take it twice a day between your main meals as a healthy snack, providing satiety and preventing you from resorting to other high-calorie snacks.

Whey Protein contains 15 grams of protein in just one scoop, so if you take two shakes a day of this protein powder, you'll be guaranteed 30 grams. Remember that the recommended daily intake depends on your weight, so it could decrease or increase if you are within the healthy range or need to change your eating habits and lifestyle to lose weight.

Adapt your Diet to Each Stage of your Life with Yes You Can!

As you can see, nutrition is key at every stage of life, so now that you are in your 40s, you must adjust your lifestyle to be healthier. Fortunately, Yes You Can! products can continue to accompany you and provide you with the best nutritional supplements. Do you want to know more? Continue exploring our blog, visit our online store, or call us at 1-888-988-5515.

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