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Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet for Weight Loss: What it Is and How to Include it in Your Daily Diet

Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet for Weight Loss: What it Is and How to Include it in Your Daily Diet

This diet may be for you if you want to lose weight and change your eating habits. Discover the benefits of the Mediterranean diet here.

Many diet options promise optimal results in a short time. However, very few have had specialized studies to support their benefits. The Mediterranean diet is widely known by those seeking a healthy weight and improving other conditions.

But is the Mediterranean diet good for weight loss? This article will explain the diet’s benefits and how it can help you achieve a healthy weight.

Bases of the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet owes its name to the geographical area where it comes from. Unlike other diets, this one is not designed to lose weight or reverse other health conditions. Instead, it is the set of eating habits practiced by people who live around the Mediterranean Sea. But why do people from different countries want to imitate their eating model?

Various studies have found that Mediterranean people have a lower rate of cardiovascular diseases and that their eating patterns directly influence this. The Mediterranean diet is highly recommended by institutions such as the World Health Organization (WHO).

Foods Included in the Mediterranean Diet

To follow the Mediterranean diet, you need to include the following food groups in the recommended quantities:


Unlike other diets, eating a Mediterranean diet involves including large amounts of vegetables since this is the basis of this diet. The recommended amount is three to four servings of vegetables daily, but the equivalence may vary. For example, in the case of cooked vegetables, half a cup is needed to cover one serving, while this amount increases to two cups for leafy greens or just one cup if you decide to eat raw vegetables.

As for variety, it is best to include fresh vegetables of different colors to get all the essential nutrients.


Accompany your meals with one or two servings of cereals, such as bread, rice, or pasta. However, it is recommended that these cereals be whole grains since their nutritional level is higher than that of those made from refined flour.


Like vegetables, fruits play an essential role in the Mediterranean diet. Including one or two servings of fruit daily is very important since they are a good source of vitamins and fiber. Knowing how much a serving of fruit is very simple since it is equivalent to half a piece (such as an apple, a pear, or a mango) or a cup of cut fruit (such as melon, watermelon, or papaya).

Olive Oil

Olive oil should be used to cook all your meals, replacing other types of fats that are considered less healthy. Although good fats are also part of a balanced diet, using more than four tablespoons daily is not recommended.

Fish and Seafood

Although the Mediterranean diet's basis is vegetables, it is not a vegetarian diet. You must include fish and seafood two to three times a week to obtain the essential nutrients animal protein provides.

Red Meat

Although animal protein is allowed in the Mediterranean diet, red meat should be consumed only a few times a month. Lean meats should always be prioritized, and processed meats should be avoided.


Dairy products are also part of the Mediterranean diet, although in moderation. Low-fat dairy products such as Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are recommended.

Red Wine

In the Mediterranean diet, foods are usually accompanied by red wine. Although alcohol consumption is permitted, it is recommended not to exceed a drink or two a day.

Is the Mediterranean Diet Good for Weight Loss?

The Mediterranean diet is good for weight loss as it is a balanced and healthy regimen, which includes all food groups in controlled portions, allowing the body to obtain the essential nutrients it needs while providing satiety.

In addition, lean meats and healthy fats help prevent the body’s fatty tissue from increasing, achieving notable weight loss. However, this diet is not designed to lose weight in a short time; its benefits are long-term since its main objective is to nourish the body.

Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

In addition to helping you maintain a healthy weight, other benefits of the Mediterranean diet are:

Improves Cardiovascular Health

The consumption of healthy fats allows LDL cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol, to lower its levels, causing a lower probability of developing cardiovascular diseases such as cerebrovascular infarctions and atherosclerosis.

Improves Insulin Sensitivity

The foods included, and the size of the portions mean that another benefit of the Mediterranean diet is preventing or controlling type 2 diabetes and reversing prediabetes. As is known, these two conditions have a triggering factor related to eating habits, so a healthy diet is part of the treatment. This diet always aims to reduce blood sugar levels, and the Mediterranean diet has proven to be an excellent diet alternative.

Prevents Neurodegenerative Diseases

Research has concluded that one of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet is reducing the chances of developing conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s because the nutrients present in the foods of this diet improve cognitive function considerably.

Reduces the Chance of Developing Cancer

Other studies have also found a relationship between the Mediterranean diet and a decreased chance of developing certain types of cancer, such as breast, gastric, liver, and prostate cancer.

How to Include the Mediterranean Diet in the Yes You Can! Weight Loss Program

The Yes You Can! transformation program complements a healthy diet with our dietary supplements, so changing your diet towards a Mediterranean diet is an excellent option to start changing your eating habits without restricting essential groups, such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Remember that if you are in the transformation phase, you can have one complete meal a day following the guidelines of the Mediterranean diet. If you are in the maintenance phase, you can increase to two meals daily following the 2+2+1 and 1+2+2 formulas, respectively.

Enhance the Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet with Yes You Can! Supplements

Although the Mediterranean diet is good for weight loss, this is a somewhat slow process that can take months or years to show great results. Do you want to see noticeable results in a short time? Visit our online store and complement your new diet with our delicious food supplements.

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