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Mari Trejo

Mari Trejo

She took care of everyone, but herself

I gained weight considerably without realizing it. My son and mother were very sick, and we spent a lot of time in hospitals. Since my family required all my attention, I thought that I couldn’t afford the time in taking care of myself. However, I challenging moment changed everything for me. I also became very sick. I neglected my health so much that my body couldn’t resist it. I ate and slept horribly. I got very scared of not being there for my family. I am their only support, in all aspects of the word. What would they do if I am not there for them? That couldn’t happen! I decided that I had to love and take care of myself to be able to give them my best. I decided to order my Yes You Can! Transform Kit, which adapted perfectly to my busy lifestyle, and gave me all the nutrients that I need to be healthier. As of today, I’ve lost 43 pounds, and I feel amazing! I learned that in order to take care of my family, I needed to love myself and be healthier first.

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